
HK: Scaffolding wonder

Got back from my 2nd trip (as an adult) to Hong Kong and this time I decided to start jotting down notes of things I found interesting, and especially when I see thing done in a different way.

One of the things that blew my mind from my from my previous trip was the scaffolding they use in building resurfacing, repair, and construction; which is composed of thousands and thousands of random length bamboo poles held together with zip-ties (or something similar).  It's quite an awesome sight actually to see high-rises covered in them.
And with the hustle and bustle of the city, it's everywhere.  It definitely makes you feel like you're in Asia (not that it's needed).  Obviously, it works and probably works well, but my sentiments are mirrored by this guys post I found.

They should reboot the original Donkey Kong replacing the girders with these things.

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