It's been at least 5 years since I've been to an optometrist. In the spirit of getting things done, I finally made an appointment to go. I had to delay a couple months until my health insurance, which switched yet again, stabilized. Luckily they had some eyecare benefits as part of the package. Ok, the real incentive for me to go was that I decided that I need to get some more contact lenses. I don't wear them often, more on that in a bit. I last wore contacts for my rafting trip back in August. When I finally dug them out I was a bit shocked. I had a bunch of unopened weeklies that had long since expired. (Yes, I wore them anyways and noted that I should go in for a renewal.) Since I have a ski trip coming up, I figured it was time to finally do it. And I did.
The Good
The doc measured the prescriptions on my old glasses and then measured my eyesight and asked me if my glasses gave me headaches. No, I wear them everyday for most of the day. He said my glasses were worse than my eyesight. Then he said my contacts (I brought a sample package in) were waaay off too. So, Either my eyes got better or my previous optometrist was incompetent. It was probably the former. A coworker speculated that eyeballs change shape a bit over time and when you're sight is good, then they can only get worse, but when your eyes are already not good, they can wiggle either way. I'd always assumed that they only get worse. I know one or two other people who've had a similar experience. But hey! Better eyesight than before! I'll take it!
The Bad
One advantage I've always had, and perhaps the reason for no headaches even with the wrong prescription, was that both my eyes were equally bad. They both had the same prescription powerwise. So I never had to pay attention to which contact lens went in which eye and I could even wear my glasses upside down and still see fine. I do have some astigmatism in one eye though. After the remeasurement, they're now slightly different so now I have to pay attention. Not terribly significant but a little "awwww" at the news. I guess there was something neatly in order in my mind knowing both eyes are the same.
The Interesting
The doc actually seemed quite proficient and professional. He told me something he noticed that no previous one had said before that seems to explain a lot about my history with my eyes and contacts. Without any prompting he mentioned to me that I probably experience constant dry eyes because the glands that line my lower lid that keep the eye moist are naturally clogged. He said it's completely genetic but there's little things I can do to deal with it. Wow! It all seemed to make sense. Dry eyes lead to discomfort and even infection in the extreme. I've always had problems with sensitive eyes. Always. Even something as simple as keeping my eyes open to snap a photo seemed to require extra effort frequently. I had more than usual difficulty inserting contacts, the bloody things wouldn't stick to my eye but rather my finger. I hardly ever wore contacts because of that and also because after so many hours they do get uncomfortable on me slightly and I end up consciously blinking a lot more; as in I'd notice them in my eyes rather than putting them in and forgetting about them. I'd always assumed that it was because I stare at a computer monitor for most of the day, every day. It also explains my tearducts seeming overactive occasionally, probably as compensation. Amazing interfacing with someone who actually knows what they're doing and talking about.
So armed with this new knowledge he gave me a set of contacts to put in and try out and sent me on my way. I've worn glasses so habitually that I think my image with them is burned into people's brains. I've gotten some amusing comments by at least 4 people upon seeing me with a naked face. One stuck two fingers in the air and asked me to count. Another asked if I could see him. A third asked me if I got Lasik. Even I unconsciously find myself reaching to straighten my glasses when I'm not wearing them. Well, I guess I'll try out those suggestions and as soon as my new set come in I guess I'll start wearing contacts more. I wonder how many people won't recognize me.
Update 2006-02:
Seems my perscription for one of my eyes was off and my new perscription has the same power in both eyes. I find that gratifying in some small way to know this. I will give the benefit of the doubt to the optometrist. The difference was only a quarter power, and there is always that possibility that I unconsciously squinted a bit when trying to read the eyechart when that eye was tested. Both my contacts and glasses had to be redone. Luckily he made me test a trial pair of contacts before placing my order. Sadly, even though both lenses have the same power I still have to pay attention as to which contact is left and right since these are more tuned, versus the ones I used to use. Makes a noticeable difference though and was worth getting fixed. Though it has taken me nearly a month to get my eye stuff in order and I still have another pair of glasses I need new lenses for. Ugh. Luckily my contacts arrived in the nick of time for my ski trip last weekend.
So does this mean you need a new sketch without glasses now???
Have you ever considered the Surgery??? I'm pretty sure I'm going under the knife or laser, or whatever they use now this year.
new sketch? yeh probably. that's an old one from '96. 10 years thinner.
eye surgery? ugh, as much as i like the idea, it gives me the willies.
Eye surgery can't be anymore scary than shaving your corn hole. Unless you have a special mirrored shower stall that lets you see all angles.
Eye was typing up a comment, but it just kept getting longer and longer and longer...
So eye decided to make it a separate blog inspired by this one...
Coming soon: THE EYES HAVE IT...
heh, that was going to be the title of my post but then i remember that scene from the beginning of aliens and opted for this one.
however, you've never worn glasses really so i'm curious to see what you have to say.
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